Da "boye kudi" na samar da kofi
A yau'Kasuwancin kayayyaki, farashin kofi yana buga rikodin girma saboda damuwa game da karancin buƙata da ƙara buƙata. A sakamakon haka, masu samar da kayan wake da suke da su suna da kyakkyawar makomar tattalin arziki.
"Kudin Gaskiya"kofi?
"waje"- A takaice dai, sakamakon da ke kai tsaye game da ayyukan tattalin arziki, kamar lalacewa na muhalli, rashin adalci na zamantakewa da talauci. These externalities, unlike direct production costs, such as labor or fertilizer, are often overlooked in pricing and particularly affect smallholder farmers and their communities.

Binciken mai zurfi na 50 cikin-Page ya bayyana gaskiyar cewa: samar da kofi a Habasha, Uganda da Tanzaniya yana ɗaukar babban ɓoye ɓoyayyun. These costs include climate change, water pollution, child labor, gender wage gaps, and the gap between what coffee farmers earn and what they need to earn a decent living.
The social and environmental externalities in coffee production include the following:Child labor: Many children on East African coffee farms have to do heavy work, such as picking and sorting coffee cherries, which often deprives them of education. Nazarin da aka lissafta cewa wannan farashin yana da girma kamar $ 0.42 a kowace kilogram na kofi, musamman a Yuganda, inda matsalar ta fi tsanani. Gender inequality: In the coffee industry, women often earn less than men doing the same job. Although this income gap varies in different places, it reflects the gender inequality that is prevalent in the entire agricultural sector. Environmental costs: Growing coffee sometimes leads to deforestation, increased greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. These hidden environmental costs vary depending on the planting method. For example, those intensive planting methods with high yields often produce more pollution.
The increase in the price of coffee at the source means that distributors have to raise prices at the same time. In order to make consumers more willing to pay for the price, they have to start with coffee flavor, coffee packaging, brand premium, etc. Consumers can see the brand and packaging of coffee most directly, which has to mention the importance of coffee packaging masana'antun.

Mu masana'anta ne suka ƙware wajen samar da jakunkuna kofi na tsawon shekaru 20. Mun zama ɗayan manyan masana'antun kofi a China.
Lokaci: Jan-02-025