--- rov ua dua pouches
--- Compostable Pouches
Ntxiv rau, peb lub hnab ntim ob lub hnab qab zib tau ua kom sib xyaw ua ke rau hauv cov khoom siv kas fes sib xyaw. By using this kit, you have the opportunity to present your products in a unified and visually appealing manner, ultimately enhancing brand recognition.
Our packaging system uses advanced technology to guarantee the best protection against moisture for the contents of the package, thus keeping it dry. By employing premium quality WIPF air valves imported specifically for this purpose, we can effectively isolate the air after it has been vented, further protecting the integrity of the packaged goods. In addition to prioritizing functionality, our bags are designed in compliance with international packaging laws, with a special emphasis on environmental protection. We understand the importance of sustainable packaging practices in today's world and take significant steps to ensure our products meet the highest standards in this regard. Tsis tas li ntawd, peb lub ntim tshwj xeeb tsim ntau dua tiv thaiv cov ntsiab lus; Nws nce cov khoom pom kev pom thaum pom ntawm cov txee hauv khw, nce nws qhov kev sib tw dhau ntawm kev sib tw. Nrog rau kev saib xyuas kom meej, peb tsim ntim uas muab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam thiab cov khoom lag luam hauv.
Hom Lub Npe | Qos |
Khoom | Kraft ntawv cov ntawv, khoom siv yas, cov khoom siv siv khoom siv, cov khoom siv compostable |
Qhov chaw ntawm keeb kwm | Guangdong, Suav |
Kev Siv Siv | Kas fes, tshuaj yej, zaub mov |
Sealing & Kov | Kub Zipper |
Moq | 500 |
Luam ntawv | Digital Printing / Gravation Printing |
Lo lus tseem ceeb: | Eco Cov Hnab Kas Fes |
Nta: | Ya raws li pov thawj |
Kev Cai: | Txais Customized logo |
Lub sijhawm coj mus kuaj: | 2-3 hnub |
Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: | 7-15 hnub |
Raws li qhov kev thov rau kas fes txuas ntxiv tawg, yog li qhov kev xav tau rau kev siv kas fes zoo. Txhawm rau sawv tawm hauv khw muag khoom kas fes zoo heev, peb yuav tsum tau txais cov tswv yim tshiab. Peb lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm lub xeev-ntawm-kos duab ntim lub hnab Hoobkas hauv Foshan, Guangdong, nrog kev thauj mus los ntawm thaj chaw zoo thiab yooj yim. Peb txaus siab yog cov kws tshaj lij hauv kev tsim thiab faib txhua lub hnab ntim khoom noj khoom haus, muab cov kev daws teeb meem rau cov hnab ntim kas fes thiab kas fes ci. In our factory, we use cutting-edge technology to ensure that our packaging provides the best possible protection for the coffee product. Our innovative approach keeps contents fresh and securely sealed. Yuav kom ua tiav qhov no, peb ntiav hwm hwm WIPF cua li qub uas tau zoo cais cov cua sab sab, yog qhov kev tiv thaiv kev ncaj ncees ntawm cov khoom ntim khoom. In addition to functionality, we are also committed to complying with international packaging regulations.
Our company recognizes the importance of sustainable packaging practices and actively uses environmentally friendly materials in all of our products. Peb noj cov kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig heev thiab ua kom peb lub ntim tau raws cov qauv siab tshaj plaws ntawm kev ruaj ntseg. Ib qho ntxiv, peb lub ntim tsuas yog khaws cia thiab tiv thaiv cov ntsiab lus, tab sis kuj ua kom pom qhov tseeb ntawm kev pom ntawm cov khoom. Our bags are carefully crafted and thoughtfully designed to grab the attention of consumers and prominently display coffee products when displayed on store shelves. In conclusion, as industry experts, we understand the growing needs and challenges of the coffee market. With advanced technology, a commitment to sustainability and eye-catching designs, we provide comprehensive solutions for all coffee packaging needs.
Peb cov khoom tseem ceeb tau sawv ntsug hnab, pob hauv qab Hnab, Khoom noj ntim khoom, cov khoom noj ntim cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab cov hnab ntawv tiaj merlar.
Txhawm rau tiv thaiv peb ib puag ncig, peb tau tshawb nrhiav thiab tsim cov hnab ntim ntim kom ntev, xws li cov hnab ntim khoom siv tau thiab rov xyaw. Lub Pouterclable Pouches yog ua los ntawm 100% PE cov khoom nrog cov pa oxygen siab. Cov hnab ntim compostable yog ua nrog 100% pob kws hmoov txhuv nplej siab. Cov pouches tau yoog raws li cov cai yas cooj yas yuam kom mus rau ntau lub teb chaws.
Tsis tas yuav muaj qhov tsawg kawg nkaus, tsis muaj cov paib xim yuav tsum nrog peb indigo digital tshuab luam ntawv.
Peb muaj ib pab neeg muaj kev paub dhau los, pheej pib ua kom zoo, cov khoom lag luam tshiab kom tau raws li cov neeg yuav tsum sib txawv.
Peb txaus siab rau peb txoj kev sib koom tes zoo nrog cov cim tshaj plaws uas tau txais peb cov ntawv tso cai ua haujlwm. This valuable recognition greatly helps us in establishing an impeccable reputation and credibility in the market. Muaj npe rau nws txoj kev mob siab rau qhov ua tau zoo, kev pab cuam thiab pab txhawb nqa cov khoom siv tsis muaj txiaj ntsig rau peb cov neeg tau hwm. Nrog unwavering cov qauv ntawm qhov zoo thiab muaj kev sib zog ua kom tiav rau kev txaus siab heev ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom hauv txhua yam ntawm peb cov khoom lag luam thiab cov kev pabcuam.
Kev tsim qauv yog lub hauv paus ntawm txhua pob tiav thiab peb paub txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov kauj ruam tseem ceeb no. Peb feem ntau ntsib cov neeg siv khoom uas ntsib kev sib tw ib qho: tsis muaj cov neeg tsim qauv lossis cov kos duab tsim. To solve this problem, we have assembled a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals dedicated to your packaging design needs. Our design department has invested five years in honing their expertise in food packaging design, ensuring they have the experience necessary to tackle the issue on your behalf.
Peb lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb yog muab cov kev daws teeb meem tag nrho rau peb cov neeg siv khoom muaj txiaj ntsig. With our extensive industry knowledge, we have successfully helped numerous international clients establish respected coffee shops and exhibitions in various continents such as America, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Peb ntseeg khov kho tias thawj chav kawm ntim ua ke rau qhov kev paub tag nrho ntawm kev lom zem.
Ntawm lub plawv ntawm peb lub tswv yim yog qhov tsis muaj kev mob siab rau kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig. Peb muaj kev cog lus tsis txaus ntseeg los siv cov ntaub ntawv phooj ywg ib puag ncig los tsim cov kev daws teeb meem. By doing this, we ensure our packaging is easily recyclable and compostable, minimizing negative impact on the environment. In addition to our concern for environmental protection, we also offer a variety of special process options. These include innovations such as 3D UV printing, embossing, hot stamping, holographic films and matt and glossy finishes. Ib qho ntxiv, peb siv cov tshuab pob tshab ua kom zoo dua qub ntawm cov khoom tsim ntim, ua rau cov khoom lag luam tiag tiag thiab ntxim nyiam.
Digital Printing:
Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 7 hnub;
MOQ: 500pcs
Xim cov paib dawb, zoo tshaj plaws rau kev kuaj,
Cov pob me me ntau lawm rau ntau cov skus;
Eco-Frial Printing
Roto--Gravure Printing:
Xim zoo nkauj tiav nrog pantone;
Mus txog 10 xim luam ntawv;
Tus nqi siv tau rau huab hwm coj ntau lawm