

--- vrećice za recikliranje
--- kompostabilne torbice

Ypac pruža tržištu jednokratno rješenje za pakiranje za kavu Black Knight



Usred živopisne kulture kave Saudijske Arabije, Black Knight postao je poznati pečevi za kavu, poznat po predanosti kvaliteti i okusu. As demand for premium coffee continues to grow, so too does the need for effective and reliable packaging solutions that can preserve the integrity of the product while increasing brand awareness. This is where YPAK steps in, providing comprehensive packaging solutions that meet the unique needs of Black Knight and the wider coffee market.


YPAK, vodeći pružatelj inovativnih rješenja za pakiranje, postao je pouzdan partner Black Knight -a. Suradnja dviju tvrtki pokazuje važnost povjerenja branda i osiguranja kvalitete u konkurentnoj industriji kave. Ypak razumije da je pakiranje više nego samo za estetiku; it plays a vital role in preserving the freshness and flavor of the coffee beans, which is critical for a brand like Black Knight that prides itself on delivering exceptional products.









Post Vrijeme: prosinac-13-2024