Kodi chikuyambitsa chiyani pamitengo yama khofi?
Mu Novembala 2024, mitengo ya khofi ya Arabica idafika pazaka 13. GCR imayang'ana zomwe zimayambitsa kuwonjezeretsa kumeneku ndi kusintha kwa kusintha kwamisika ya khofi padziko lonse lapansi.

"The global supply of Arabica coffee has been impacted by multiple extreme weather events. The frost experienced in Brazil in July 2021 had a knock-on effect, while 13 consecutive months of rain in Colombia and five years of drought in Ethiopia also hit supply, "Adatero.
Kuthamanga kwambiri mpaka pano (Seputembara 2024) ndi Vietnam yawonetsa aliyense kuti palibe nyumba zapakhomo zomwe zatsala. Their exports have dropped significantly over the last three to four months because, according to them, there is no domestic stock left at the moment and they are still waiting for the new coffee year to start.
Everyone can see that stocks are already low and the extreme weather events of the last 12 months have impacted the coffee year which is due to start in October and this is affecting prices as demand is expected to outstrip supply. Yparasi akukhulupirira kuti umu ndi chifukwa chake mitengo yamitengo yakutidwa.

Anthu ambiri ochulukirapo amatsatira khofi wapadera komanso nyemba zotsekera kwambiri, msika wa khofi wochepa umasinthidwa pang'onopang'ono. Whether it is coffee beans, coffee roasting technology, or coffee packaging, they are all manifestations of the high quality of specialty coffee.
Pakadali pano, ndikofunikira kuti ife titsimikizire kuchuluka kwa chikho cha khofi. Kuchokera panjirayi, ngakhale mtengowo wakwera posachedwapa, khofi sakhala wotsika mtengo.

Ndife opanga kupanga popanga zikwama za khofi kwa zaka zopitilira 20. Takhala mmodzi wa opanga zikwama za khofi ku China.
Timagwiritsa ntchito mavavu abwino kwambiri ochokera ku Swiss kuti musunge khofi wanu watsopano.
Tapanga zikwama zokondweretsa zokondweretsa, monga matumba ophatikizira ndi matumba obwezeredwanso, ndipo zida zaposachedwa kwambiri za PCR.
Ndiwo njira zabwino kwambiri zosinthira matumba apulasitiki wamba.
Zosefera zathu za kaduka khofi zimapangidwa ndi zida za Japan, zomwe ndi zosefera zabwino kwambiri pamsika.
Katundu wathu, chonde titumizireni mtundu wa thumba, zinthu, kukula ndi kuchuluka komwe mukufuna. Chifukwa chake titha kuwerengera.
Post Nthawi: Nov-29-2024