Zizolowezi zobwezerezedwanso 20G 25GG 1kg kuyimirira thumba lathyathyathya lathyathyathya khofi
Kuyambitsa thumba lathu latsopano la khofi - njira yodulira khofi yomwe imaphatikiza magwiridwe antchito mokhazikika. Kapangidwe katsopano kameneka kabwino kakang'ono ka khofi akuyang'ana kuchuluka kwakukulu ndi ulemu kwa khofi.
Matumba athu a khofi opangidwa kuchokera ku zida zapamwamba zomwe onse amabwezeretsanso ndipo biodegradle. We understand the importance of minimizing our environmental impact, which is why we have carefully selected materials that can be easily recycled after use. Izi zimatsimikizira kuti phukusi lathu silikuthandizira kuti vuto lowononga likhale lotayika.
Makina owotcha a UV Otentha amaimirira thumba la khofi wa khofi wa khofi / tiyi
We recommend combining UV/hot stamping technology to complement the retro and low-key atmosphere of kraft paper, which is favored by many customers. Mu kalembedwe kakang'ono kwambiri kambiri, logo ya luso lapadera limapangitsa kuti ogula azigula.
Pulasitiki imayimilira thumba la khofi wa khofi ndi valavu ndi zipper ya khofi / tiyi / chakudya
Makasitomala ambiri amandifunsa kuti: Ndimakonda thumba lomwe limatha kuyimirira, ndipo ngati kuli kotheka kuti ndichotse malondawo, ndiye kuti ndikukhazikitsa thumba.
Timalimbikitsa kuyimilira thumba lokhala ndi zipper yotseguka yotseguka makasitomala omwe amafunikira kutsegulidwa kwakukulu. This pouch can stand up and at the same time, it is convenient for customers in all scenarios to take out the products inside, whether it is coffee beans, tea leaves, or powder. At the same time, this bag type is also suitable for the round hold on the top, and it can be directly hung on the display rack when it is inconvenient to stand up, so as to realize various display needs required by customers.
Makina a pulasitiki ovutikira matebulo a khofi ndi valavu
Makasitomala ambiri afunsa, ndife gulu laling'ono lomwe tangoyamba kumene, momwe mungapezere ndalama zapadera ndi ndalama zochepa.