

--- vrečke za recikliranje
--- Kompostabilne torbice









The diamond-shaped coffee stand-up pouch has changed the industry landscape. It combines the practicality of the traditional stand-up pouch with a modern element that attracts the eye. The unique shape not only stands out on the shelf, but also reflects the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. Na trgu, kjer so prvi vtisi ključni, je diamantna oblika privlačen element, ki privablja potrošnike.



3.Barrier Protection: Stand-up pouches are typically made from multiple layers of material that provide excellent barrier protection, keeping out moisture, light, and oxygen. To je ključnega pomena za ohranjanje svežine kave, saj se kava lahko hitro poslabša, ko je izpostavljena tem elementom.




The diamond design of the YPAK coffee stand-up pouch is more than just a design choice, it reflects a broader trend in the packaging industry where beauty and functionality go hand in hand. Danes'



'Inovativni dizajni so odlična izbira za vas, ki obljubljajo, da boste povzdignili doživetje za kavo za vse. Objemite prihodnost embalaže za kavo z YPAK in raziščite razlike, ki jih lahko naredijo inovacije.


Čas objave: januar-23-2025