- Why add UV process to packaging? Di jaman tumuwuh gancang dina industri kopi, kompetisi anu nyayogikeun Merek kopi ogé janten beuki galak. Kalayan konsumen anu gaduh seueur pilihan, éta parantos janten tangtangan kanggo merek kopi kanggo ...Maca deui
- Kumaha tuah kopi anu ngaliwat Starbucks di Cina ngaliwatan bungkusan inovatif ??? Chinese coffee giant Luckin Coffee hit 10,000 stores in China in last year, surpassing Starbucks as the largest coffee chain brand in the country following rapi...Maca deui
- Naha Tambahkeun Camping Hot kanggo Bungkusan Bungkusan? Industri kopi terus tumuwuh gancang, kalayan seueur deui sareng langkung seueur jalma resep kana kabiasaan sapopoé. Permukaan dina konsumsi kopi teu ngan ukur nyababkeun ékspansi produksi kopi, tapi a ...Maca deui
- What exactly are PCR materials? 1. What are PCR materials? PCR material is actually a kind of "recycled plastic", the full name is Post-Consumer Recycled material, that is, post-consumer recycled material. PCR materials are "extremely valuable". USUALL ...Maca deui
- Growth in coffee exports drives demand for coffee packaging In recent years, the global coffee industry's demand for coffee packaging has grown significantly, especially in the Americas and Asia. Sebutkeun ieu tiasa disababkeun ku ...Maca deui
Kaunggulan nganggo aluminium kakeunaan pikeun bungkusan kopi.
Kaunggulan nganggo aluminium kakeunaan pikeun bungkusan kopi. Coffee bags are an important part of the coffee industry, serving as containers that protect and preserve the quality and freshness of coffee beans. Dina taun-taun ayeuna, aya ...Maca deui -
Ngenalkeun inovasi pang anyarna urang dina solusi bungkusan
Introducing our latest innovation in packaging solutions We are proud to offer a product that combines the environmental benefits of recyclability with the functionality of a window that allows easy viewing of the contents inside. Kalayan langkung 20 taun ...Maca deui - Stamping Printed Coffee Bags to Make Your Packaging Unique In today's competitive market, it's crucial for businesses to stand out and leave a lasting impression on consumers. Hiji cara pikeun ngahontal ieu nyaéta ngaliwatan PA anu unik sareng khusus ...Maca deui
Selandia Anyar parantos ngenalkeun larangan plastik
New Zealand has introduced a plastic ban New Zealand will become the first country in the world to ban the use of plastic fruit and vegetable bags. Salaku tatanuan larangan plastik ngalebetkeun fase kadua, plastik anu difficul ...Maca deui -
Promosi Maret, kejutan datang
March promotion, surprises coming Dongguan Yupu Packaging Products Co., Ltd., one of the largest coffee bag manufacturers in China, is proud to announce its March Promotion from March 1st to 31st. Salian ngahasilkeun rupa-rupa p ...Maca deui -
Kumaha ngirangan runtah plastik jalan anu langkung saé pikeun ngahemat kantong bungkus
Kumaha ngirangan runtah persaode cara pikeun ngahémat kantong bungkus kumaha nyimpen kantong bungkus plastik? Sabaraha lami kantong bungkusan bungkusan disimpen? ...Maca deui -
Naha masalahna upami aya klep hawa hiji arah dina kantong kopi?
Naha masalahna upami aya klep hawa hiji arah dina kantong kopi? Nalika nyimpen kacang kopi, aya sababaraha faktor konci anu tiasa mangaruhan kualitas sareng kasegahan kopi anjeun. Salah sahiji faktor ieu mangrupikeun ayana o ...Maca deui