آج میں'
""- دوسرے لفظوں میں ، معاشی سرگرمیوں کے بالواسطہ نتائج ، جیسے ماحولیاتی نقصان ، معاشرتی ناانصافی اور غربت۔ These externalities, unlike direct production costs, such as labor or fertilizer, are often overlooked in pricing and particularly affect smallholder farmers and their communities.

The increase in the price of coffee at the source means that distributors have to raise prices at the same time. In order to make consumers more willing to pay for the price, they have to start with coffee flavor, coffee packaging, brand premium, etc. Consumers can see the brand and packaging of coffee most directly, which has to mention the importance of coffee packaging مینوفیکچررز۔

پوسٹ ٹائم: جنوری -02-2025