Ingxowa yekofu ye-Drip
ubugcisa bokungqubana kweMpuma yeKhestma yeMpuma naseNtshona
Ikofu kukusela ngokusondeleyo kwinkcubeko. Ilizwe ngalinye linenkcubeko yayo yekofu, esondelelene nobuntu bayo, amasiko kunye namabali embali. Ikofu efanayo inokudityaniswa nekofu yaseMelika, i-Italisso, okanye iMpuma yeMpuma enemibala. Imikhwa yabantu eyahlukeneyo kunye neenkcubeko zokusela ikofu ichonga incasa kunye nendlela yokutyibilika kwale nto yekofu. Ilizwe ngalinye liyinto enkulu malunga nokusela ikofu. And there is another country that has integrated its seriousness and people-oriented spirit to the extreme. That is Japan.

Today, Japan is the third largest coffee importer in the world. Nokuba lingaba ngabantu abancinci abalandela ifashoni ukuba basele ikomityi yekofu yekofu ngesandla, okanye abasebenzi abasebenza kwikofu elula, okanye abasebenzi besela i-SIP yekofu ngexesha lekhefu emsebenzini , the Japanese have great enthusiasm for drinking coffee. Iziphumo zophando ezipapashwe yi-AGF, uMvelisi weKofi waseJapan ngo-2013 ubonakalisa ukuba umntu ophakathi waseJapan usela i-10.7 iikomityi zekofu ngeveki. The Japanese obsession with coffee is evident.

I-Japan lilizwe elidibanisa inkcubeko yekofu yokuqala kunye nomoya wezibi zaseJapan emva kokuxuba izinto zekofu ezivela kumazwe ahlukeneyo. Akumangalisi ukuba kutheni umxholo wekofu eqhekezwe ngesandla ithandwa kakhulu eJapan - ngaphandle kokongeza enye into, kuphela amanzi asetyenziselwa ukukhupha iimbotyi ezilungileyo kwizandla ezinobuchule ikofu yekofu yekofu. Inkqubo yokwaphula umthetho ibaluleke kakhulu, kwaye abantu banomdla kakhulu kwikofu ngokwabo, kodwa nako ukonwabela umsebenzi wekofu.
Ivela eYurophu naseMelika, kodwa yongeza umoya oqhubekayo: Ukucoca ngomatshini we-drip uhlala uswele umphefumlo. Since then, Japanese hand-brewed coffee has begun to become a school of its own and gradually rise in the world's coffee status.
Nangona iJapan ifuna ukuthandwa okukhethekileyo kwikofu ekhuselweyo, ixesha eliqinileyo kunye nelikhawulezile ubomi besiXeko saseJapan ngeyona nto iyenza ukuba abantu banciphise ukuba banciphise ubuhle bobugcisa bekofu. So this country that pursues user-friendly to the point of abnormality invented drip coffee in such a contradictory state.

Umgubo osemgangathweni wekofu yeHlabathi yeHlabathi ifakwe kwingxowa yefilitha. The cardboard clips on both sides can be hung on the cup. A cup of hot water and a coffee cup. If you are particular, you can also match it with a small hand-brewed pot, and drink the ground coffee like drip brewing in a very short time.
Inendlela elula efana nekofu yangempela, kodwa uyonwabela imilimo, ubumnandi, ubukrakra, ukulunga kunye nevumba lekofu yokuqala. I-Drip Ibhegi yekofu, ubugcisa bokungqubana kwe-Mpuma nakwinkcubeko yekofu. Originated from Europe and the United States and exported back to Europe and the United States.
Singumenzi osebenza ngokukodwa ekuveliseni iingxowa zekhefu zekofu kangangesithuba seminyaka engama-20. We have become one of the largest coffee bag manufacturers in China.

I-POSTAL: I-DEX-06-2024