I-Plate Comminess Eco-Friendly Recycluble Coffee Poot Pouch Bags I-Coffee Box Cup Packing Kit
Lapho udinga izinketho ezahlukene zokufaka ikhofi, i-YPAK yisisombululo esifanelekile. We're pleased to use YPAK as your convenient source for all your custom packaging needs.Our company offers a wide selection of custom packaging solutions to meet your unique specifications
Isihlungi sekhofi ngokwezifiso yekhofi ikhithi i-Flat Flat Fort Coffee Bag / Poot Pouch / Kraft iphepha ibhokisi lekhofi
Lapho udinga ukuthenga uchungechunge lokupakishwa kwekhofi, i-YPAK yisinqumo sakho esihle kakhulu.
Siyajabula ukukwazisa kuYPAKAK
Isitolo sakho sokuma esisodwa sazo zonke izidingo zakho zokupakisha ngokwezifiso.
Inkampani yethu inikezela ngezixazululo eziningi zokupakisha ezihambisana nokuhlangabezana nezidingo zakho ezithile.
I-Matte Myte Mylar Phepha isikhwama sekhofi setha ukupakishwa nge-zipper
Lapho udinga ukuthenga uchungechunge lokupakishwa kwekhofi, i-YPAK yisinqumo sakho esihle kakhulu.
Siyajabula ukukwazisa kuYPAKAK
Isitolo sakho sokuma esisodwa sazo zonke izidingo zakho zokupakisha ngokwezifiso.
Inkampani yethu inikezela ngezixazululo eziningi zokupakisha ezihambisana nokuhlangabezana nezidingo zakho ezithile.
I-Mylaft ye-Mylaft ye-Mylaft yangokwezifiso i-Matte Flat Port Pouch Bow Box kanye nesikhwama setha ukupakishwa nge-logo
Lapho udinga izinketho ezahlukene zokufaka ikhofi, i-YPAK yisisombululo esifanelekile. We're pleased to use YPAK as your convenient source for all your custom packaging needs.Our company offers a wide selection of custom packaging solutions to meet your unique specifications
I-Kraft Paper Plastic Flat Pook Bags ene-zipper yesihlungi sekofi
I-wanger ikhofi yendlebe igcina kanjani intsha futhi iyinyumba? Ake ngithule isikhwama sethu seflitha.
Amakhasimende amaningi azokwenza ngokwezifiso isikhwama seflitha lapho ethenga izindlebe ezilengayo. Ubuwazi ukuthi isikhwama esicaba singase sibe nzima? Singenise izinketho nge-zipper futhi ngaphandle kwe-zipper yamakhasimende anezidingo ezihlukile. Customers can freely choose materials and zippers, flat pouch We still use imported Japanese zippers for the zipper, which will strengthen the sealing of the package and keep the product fresh for a long time.Customers who have their own heat sealer and don't like Ukwengeza ama-zippers, sincoma ukusebenzisa izikhwama ezijwayelekile ezifulethi, ezinganciphisa izindleko ze-zippers.
Isikhwama sePlasitiki Kraft Plast Poot Pouch flatf ngaphandle kwe-zipper yekhofi
I-wanger ikhofi yendlebe igcina kanjani intsha futhi iyinyumba? Ake ngithule isikhwama sethu seflitha.
Amakhasimende amaningi azokwenza ngokwezifiso isikhwama seflitha lapho ethenga izindlebe ezilengayo. Ubuwazi ukuthi isikhwama esicaba singase sibe nzima? Singenise izinketho nge-zipper futhi ngaphandle kwe-zipper yamakhasimende anezidingo ezihlukile. Customers can freely choose materials and zippers, flat pouch We still use imported Japanese zippers for the zipper, which will strengthen the sealing of the package and keep the product fresh for a long time.