Ukuphrinta ngokwezifiso Plastic Aluminium Aluminium Flat Pouch Bag for Tea Packing
Amakhasimende amaningi azongibuza: Ngithanda isikhwama esingasukuma, futhi uma kufanelekile ukuthi ngikhiphe umkhiqizo, ngizobe ngincoma lo mkhiqizo - sukuma isikhwama.
Sincoma isikhwama sokusukuma esine-zipper ephezulu evulekile yamakhasimende adinga ukuvulwa okukhulu. This pouch can stand up and at the same time, it is convenient for customers in all scenarios to take out the products inside, whether it is coffee beans, tea leaves, or powder. At the same time, this bag type is also suitable for the round hold on the top, and it can be directly hung on the display rack when it is inconvenient to stand up, so as to realize various display needs required by customers.
Inkambiso ye-mylar aluminium flat aluminium flat sights isikhwama setiye pauch
Amakhasimende amaningi azongibuza: Ngithanda isikhwama esingasukuma, futhi uma kufanelekile ukuthi ngikhiphe umkhiqizo, ngizobe ngincoma lo mkhiqizo - sukuma isikhwama.
Sincoma isikhwama sokusukuma esine-zipper ephezulu evulekile yamakhasimende adinga ukuvulwa okukhulu. This pouch can stand up and at the same time, it is convenient for customers in all scenarios to take out the products inside, whether it is coffee beans, tea leaves, or powder. At the same time, this bag type is also suitable for the round hold on the top, and it can be directly hung on the display rack when it is inconvenient to stand up, so as to realize various display needs required by customers.
I-Wholesale Kraft Paper Plastic MyLar Stip Up Pouch Tea Izikhwama Zokupakisha ngewindows
Amakhasimende amaningi azongibuza: Ngithanda isikhwama esingasukuma, futhi uma kufanelekile ukuthi ngikhiphe umkhiqizo, ngizobe ngincoma lo mkhiqizo - sukuma isikhwama.
Sincoma isikhwama sokusukuma esine-zipper ephezulu evulekile yamakhasimende adinga ukuvulwa okukhulu. This pouch can stand up and at the same time, it is convenient for customers in all scenarios to take out the products inside, whether it is coffee beans, tea leaves, or powder. At the same time, this bag type is also suitable for the round hold on the top, and it can be directly hung on the display rack when it is inconvenient to stand up, so as to realize various display needs required by customers.